Somerville, Massachusetts, December 28th, 2021

Deon Jones to conduct powerful conversations with leaders, artists, creators, activists and more.

Deon joined forces with PUMA through his long-standing relationship with 1968 Olympic Gold Medalist and human rights icon Dr. Tommie Smith, who has been a part of the PUMA family for more than 50 years. The title of the series, ‘Is Anyone Listening?’, and discussions are inspired by Tommie Smith and his stance on equality and justice for all.

"Over the years, I have had many meaningful conversations with Dr. Smith, conceptual artist Glenn Kaino, and many people from PUMA about the role we all play and the responsibility of using our platform to push conversatrions forwad that inspire meaningful change,” said Deon Jones. “From these conversations, I knew we had a special voice that could make an impact with PUMA consumers that transcends beyond apparel and shoes.” 

Deon will lend his voice and have an open dialogue with other artists and impact leaders about social activism, culture, and inspiring change. The series – launching in 2022 on and on PUMA’s YouTube page – will release several different episodes throughout year and will feature image architect and Creative Director of PUMA’s Women’s Hoops June Ambrose, activist Tamika Mallory, artists Glenn Kaino, Sybrina Fulton and others.


“I want my work with PUMA to always inspire and be meaningful. To have the opportunity to do this with the full backing of my PUMA family means a lot,” said Deon Jones. “I want these conversations to make all of us better.” 

“Deon is an impactful young talent at the intersection of music, art, culture and advocacy,” said Adam Petrick, Global Director of Brand and Marketing at PUMA. “Having the opportunity to work with him and be a leader in these conversations is special and is what we strive to do with our #REFORM platform”.

In addition to the digital series, PUMA will continue to support and Deon’s impact efforts within the community.

“I’m a firm believer in legendary singer Nina Simone’s teaching that ‘the role of the artist is to reflect the times’,” said Deon Jones. “And, in this time, it's important to me that my platform and voice is rooted in contributions that challenge and move us forward, and PUMA has been ahead of the curve for many years in that effort.

The first episode of “Is Anyone Listening?” will air in January with June Ambrose, who will talk about women in sports, making an impact in a male dominated industry and more.