June 15, 2006
PUMA Countdown 2010
PUMA announces aggressive marketing campaign for the upcoming World Cup hosted by South Africa

PUMA will in the coming four years strive to strengthen its strong position in Africa. PUMA estimates the potential turnover in Africa at four times higher than today’s turnover and it will considerably tap into this potential over the next five to six years. With an impressive portfolio of more than ten PUMA-sponsored African national teams, PUMA is already indisputably the most visible football brand in Africa.

On the occasion of his visit to Africa, PUMA CEO Jochen Zeitz was delighted to start the PUMA countdown to 2010 today at a press conference in Johannesburg. “Only 1,295 days left until the 2010 World Cup. PUMA is very proud to be the official kit supplier of over 10 African teams and is already certain to make a strong mark at the first World Cup ever set on African soil.”

“The World Cup 2006 might not be over yet – but the work on our part is accomplished. We have not only reached, but surpassed our aim for this year’s World Cup. Now, it is time for us to move on to the next project: the World Cup in Africa”, says Zeitz.

Economic interests alone do not drive PUMA’s long-term commitment on the African continent. PUMA actively supports the development of African football with aid projects such as football camps. To deepen ties, PUMA announced two months ago its cooperation with the charity campaign United for Africa, the most significant aid organization for Africa in Germany, with whom PUMA will jointly gather donations and awareness.