Own Entities, Codes and Handbooks

We believe that as the Fastest Sports Brand in the world we have the responsibility to ensure that our products are manufactured in decent workplaces where human rights are respected.


PUMA’s Code of Conduct was introduced back in 1993 and expresses two commitments publicly and transparently:

  • PUMA respects Human Rights. This defines our engagement with the societies in which we operate, and with our partners throughout our supply chain.
  • Engaging with societies also includes environmental aspects. We are determined to manage, reduce and report on the impact on the environment of both our organization and our supply chain.

To comply with the PUMA Code of Conduct, all our vendors must meet the required environmental, chemical, social and occupational health and safety standards, as laid out in the PUMA Sustainability Handbooks. These standards may exceed local legal requirements; where differences or conflicts arise, the highest standard shall apply.




PUMA takes on responsibility for everybody involved in the PUMA family and aims to provide its employees with concrete measures on how to improve the environmental performance at their facility. Therefore, PUMA launches this sustainability handbook for global PUMA entities such as offices, logistic centers, and stores.

Human Rights Guideline


This guideline describes PUMA’s Human Rights standards and states the necessary controls and measures to be implemented for each standard by every PUMA Entity for the protection of PUMA employee Human Rights globally. 

Code of ethics

Our code of ethics was first introduced in 2005 and lays out PUMA's commitment to ethical and responsible behavior - individual and corporate alike. 

Rules for the Complaints Procedure

PUMA’s Complaint Procedure explains how PUMA’s own employees and the employees of PUMA’s business partners, as well as external stakeholders, can submit complaints related to human rights, environmental risks and violations, or breaches of PUMA’s policies.



At PUMA we commit to respect human rights and the protection of the environment within our own Group companies, our suppliers and business partners. Making sure that human rights are safeguarded is a fundamental part of all our business functions.


PUMA aims to reduce its impact on biodiversity through different actions, has developed targets and reports
progress on: sustainably sourced cotton, polyester, viscose, increased use of recycled materials, engagement in microfiber and biodegradability research, elimination of the use of hazardous chemicals, reducing waste and working towards a more circularity business.


At PUMA, we care for the welfare of animals. We do not accept the use of animal products which originate from animals which have been inhumanely treated. Therefore, we aim at implementing high welfare and traceability standards. PUMA consults on a regular basis Animal Protection Organizations to review our policy and actions.


PUMA’s drive towards circularity consists of multiple commitments thoughout our value chain, including product design, production, transport, sale, consumption and end of life.


This PUMA occupational health and safety policy aims to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


This policy statement outlines PUMA’s positioning regarding ethical marketing practices and highlights the efforts taken to ensure honesty and responsibility in our communication. Through these commitments, we aim to set the highest ethical standards of our company.


At PUMA, we commit to the protection and preservation of the environment within our own group, our suppliers, and our business partners. Making sure that our environmental impact is monitored and kept to a minimum is a fundamental part of all our business activities. In the long term, we strive for a net positive environmental impact. 

Responsible Sourcing Policy

PUMA’s Responsible Sourcing Policy was developed in 2019. As a responsible business partner for our suppliers, we recognise that our business practices, and our trading terms and conditions can have a significant impact on the organisation at our suppliers’ factories. PUMA’s Responsible Sourcing Policy aims to reduce potential negative impacts on suppliers and their employees.


The content of those handbooks is not meant to replace local or national regulations, nor will following these guidelines guarantee that all regulations are complied with. It remains the sole responsibility of our own entities, vendors and their subcontractors to ensure compliance with all local and national regulations at all times.

All PUMA vendors are contractually bound to pursue only business relationships with subcontractors who comply with these established guidelines.

The PUMA Sustainability Handbooks are subject to continuous updates and improvement. Therefore, suggestions are always welcome via email.